
نبؤات نوستراداموس

نبوات نوستراداموس

من العامة المستعبدة، أغان و ترانيم و طلبات

فيما يقبع الأمراء والملوك آسري في السجون 

هؤلاء سيستقبلهم حمقى دون رؤوس في المستقبل،
على اعتبار انهم مصلون مقدسون.
إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

العبودية طواعية

                       العبودية طواعيه وصناعة اله جديد
             كيف يدمر المسلمون شعوبهم وانفسهم باسم الاسلام
                                 امريكا للشرق الاوسط
                             نتحكم بكم وستدمرون انفسكم

يا له من زمن عصيب ذلك الذي يقوم فيه مجموعة من البلهاء بقيادة جماعة من العميان هذه هي كلمات ويليم شكسبير والتي تصف ما نحن فيه الان جماعة من السفهاء يقودون جماعة من عميان البصر والبصيرة بغرض تدميرنا وصناعة مجتمع جديد واله جديد ودين جديد ونظام عالمي جديد لم يكن هذا كله محض صدفة ولكنه مخطط تم التخطيط له علي مر سنوات طويله فالمخطط بدأ بعد انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية حيث تم الأتفاق السري بين القوي الغربية علي ان ترث امريكا المستعمرات الأوربية الإنجليزية والفرنسية بطريقة تتميز بالتخطيط بعيد المدي الذي يعتمد علي التخطيط عن طريق السيطرة علي الوسائل الثقافية والسياسية والمخابراتية وليس كما في السابق اعتمادا علي الجيوش فقد قررت ضرب حضارات دول شرق المتوسط والتي بدورها تفوقت عبر التاريخ علي حضارات الغرب فعبر التاريخ جاءت القوي الغازية لأوروبا ومن بعدها الفتوحات الإسلامية لها والتي من خلال تلك الغزوات والفتوحات تم اكتشاف الأبجدية والعقائد والأديان فقد كان الشرق الأوسط والمنطقة العربية هي مهد الأديان السماوية فمن خلالهم تم معرفة اليهودية والمسيحية والإسلام والعقائد التي سبقتهم فقد تكونت امبراطوريات كانت اخرها الأمبراطورية العثمانية والتي احتلت شرق اوروبا والتي نجح الغرب في تدميرها وجعلها تتحول من امبراطورية اسلامية الي تبني الثقافة الغربية والفكر التقسيمي ولأن منطقة الشرق الأوسط هي الأخطر علي العالم الغربي فقد قرر الغرب اضعافها من خلال سيطرة الرومان والحملات الصليبية والإستعمار الذي تغلغل للسيطرة وإضعاف المنطقة منذ ما قبل الحرب العالمية وحتي الأن لمنع امكانية بناء اي حضارة ثقافية او اقتصادية او سياسية او اجتماعية او دينية تسمح لهذه المنطقة ببناء حضارة جديدة ولكي يستطيع الغرب تحقيق ذلك كان لابد من تهيأة كل اسباب الدمار الكامل للمنطقة من اجل اعادة بنائها من جديد بما يخدم مصالح الغرب ولكي يتحقق ذلك كان لابد من خلق حالة من التوتر والتعصب والعداء بين الدول والجماعات في الشرق الاوسط فالغرب لا يصنع المشكلة بل يبحث عنها ويعثر عليها ويحاول تنميتها واستثمار تفجير هذه المشكلة لصالح الغرب وبناءا عليه فقد سار الغرب في طريق تنفيذ خطته من خلال تدمير الإسلام وخلق حالة من العداء بين الملل في الإسلام بين السنه والشيعه وهذا يعتبر من اهم الأستراتيجيات لتدمير واضعاف المنطقة وخلق حروب دينية تغذي روح الضغينة والكره والغل بين الشعوب حتي تنهكها فالإسلام هو العقبة الوحيدة في مواجهة الحضارة الغربية هو العقيدة الوحيدة التي تستطيع ان تصمد وتصد كل هجمات الغرب علينا ولذلك كان القرار باللجوء الي الحل السحري وهو تدمير اي عقيدة تستطيع الوقوف امامهم وتدميرها من خلال اصحاب هذه العقيدة نفسهم ولتنفيذ ذلك كان لابد من صنع قطبين متناحرين يفرقان الإسلام والمسلمين ويجعلهم منقسمين علي نفسهم لذلك كانت السعودية هي مركز الإسلام السني وإيران هي مركز الشيعة وبذلك صنع الغرب التفرقة واخذ يشجع السعودية لتبني الفكر الوهابي و بداية الأخذ في صناعة الحركات الإسلامية والتي كان منها صناعة جماعة الإخوان المسلمين وبناء المؤسسات السنيه في انحاء العالم الإسلامي لتشجيع الفكر السلفي والتحريض ضد الشيعة وفي المقابل استعانوا بشاه إيران والذي كان حليفهم في ذلك الوقت لكي يدعم مؤسسات واحزاب دينية شيعية في العراق ولبنان وباكستان وغيرها من الدول وظلوا يدعمون إيران لكي تكتسب مشروعية اقوي كزعيمة شيعية لشيعة العالم مقابلة للسعودية الزعيمة السلفية السنية وبذلك بدأالتقسيم سنه وشيعة وبدأ تأسيس الحركات السلفية الجهادية مثل طالبان والقاعدة والتي استفاد منها الغرب كثيرا في تحقيق اهدافه ولما لا وهي صنيعه يديه هو من صنعها لتنفذ هذا الدور والذي تم تنفيذه ببراعه من خلال عمليات قامت ولازالت تقوم بها هذه الحركات وكانت كارثة 11 سبتمبر هي تتويج لما خطط له الغرب علي مدي عقود كثيرة وبدأ من خلالها بداية تحقيق الحلم الذي دام طويلا بدأ من خلالها اساطيل الغرب في غزو العالم بدأ من افغانستان وحتي العراق هذه الجماعات نفذت بحرفية ما كان يطلب منها فهي لم تكن تخدم المصالح الأمريكية بعمليات ضد الغرب فقط ولكنهم نجحوا في ان يجعلوهم يمارسون هذه العمليات ضد اخوانهم المسلمين ايضا وهي بذلك تخدم المشروع الغربي من خلال مساهمتها في تدمير العالم الإسلامي وخلق حاله من التناحر بين المسلمين وانفسهم لكي يمارس الغرب هيمنته علينا وعلي العالم بحجة محاربة الإرهاب ثم يبدأ الفصل الثاني من الصراع وهو دعم تيارات عرقية متعصبة لها احلام توسعية واحلام في عودة امبراطوريته القديمة مثل تركيا وإيران والدولة الكردية وغيرهم وبعد كل هذا تقدم لنا القنوات الفضائية التي صنعها الغرب ودعم إقامتها في منطقة الخليج والتي بحجة الديمقراطية تساعد في تأجيج الصراعات بين الدول وزرع التطرف والحقد والغل بكل انواعه فبفضل هذه القنوات استطاع الغرب إقناع العالم كله بأن القاعدة واسطورة اسامة بن لادن وحزب الله وحسن نصر الله هما اسطورة عربية إسلامية بوجه اسرائيل والأن يدخل علينا الغرب بفصل اخر وهو داعش ومن قبلها الثورات العربية والأخوان المسلمين هذه الاستراتيجية الشيطانية التي هي صنعت لتدمير الأمة العربية والإسلامية وتدمير الشرق الأوسط ما عدا اسرائيل والتي هي من يجهزها الغرب لتصبح سيدة العالم الجديدة كل هذا قدر محتوم لعبة ولكنه للأسف لعبة يقوم بها بشر مثلنا يضمرون لنا الشر والهلاك وخطتهم هي اهلاكنا لأنفسنا بأيدينا فهل استيقظنا مما نحن فيه ان اشد ما يخشاه الغرب هو ادراكنا للحقيقة الخفية لكل ما يحدث وهي دمار الشرق الأوسط لبناء شرق اوسط جديد تمهيدا للنظام العالمي الموحد وسيطرة الغرب علينا علي عقولنا وارواحنا علي قوت يومنا علي كل ما نملك فهلا افقنا مما نحن فيه وتكاتفنا لأفساد مخططهم انا متفاءلة ومتشائمة في نفس الوقت فتفاؤلي يستند الي يقين بانهيار هذا كله ولكن تشاؤمي من كل ما يفعلوه لجذبنا معهم نحو السقوط.
إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

Be with God win everything
The fall of a person over the skyscraper away from the earth, hundreds of meters or falling from above the mountain that rises from the ground in thousands of meters may be easier than falling off the same look or consider the people closest to him or consider all the people , but the hardest of all this and that is to fall eye of God Almighty What man can profit gain people and lose his own soul and what will win if winning people and earn himself and lost it relates to God , it's like to win the affection and love and wish to be the apple of his eye chose for yourself a path going towards him and the way it is on some of the willing to get close to him and seek him Say Hey friendly win the affection , and more winners of those who make them Rahman friendlier , not abated your heart and tongue from mentioning Valmachrin Allah much and memories Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great Agra , VIA looking for happiness will not find if you depart from your Lord Whoever Isepk after dimension is looser set out for it if you want to win it must always be with your Lord , and if they become with him so rest assured that you have won everything.

Author : Safwat Sami

إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

Egypt and the team search for Championship

What lived audience ball in the last period is much like the film comedy has elected Egypt reminded me a film of the artist Qadeer Adel Imam (search for scandal ) and who re- produced Captain Shawky Gharib way out and players representatives of a random spherical authored , was the events of the film revolves around the person looking for a girl in order to marry her , but whenever he saw a girl finds difficulties prevented him from access to it was being beaten and sometimes were expelled and sometimes he finds estrangement other times and all that was characteristic of his research is the random searchWas the most important thing for him is to get married to satisfy the family even if it was not ready for this link and eventually found its goal , but he found after the difficulty he decided to link to , but as usual was rejected , but this time I did not give up and took thinks stunt being able to link and achieve the purpose of his research and in finally found a crazy idea and this idea is short (search for scandal ) but we were surprised after long years outlet is re- directed by the same film , but the new hero of the film looking for starring enroll A tournament is important that he settled on the same tournament, which was rejected by the days of the great director Hassan Shehata , where he was Shawky Gharib still assistant director and this was in 2012 , and when he became a way out in 2014 , taking Looking for starring be its own does is taking it out , but in the while the new version of the film he found himself looking for many things and here the similarities between this new film and old film shows , it's random in everything and inaccuracies in the selection of representatives and heroes of the new film he did not find a hero like Trika or Barakat or Hosni Abd Rabbo or Wael collected in order to give them a new film starring Did not know he was looking for the tournament through what? Is it by searching for its existence and prove itself ? Or was looking for the reproduction of the greatest his films in which he was assistant great director Hassan Shehata in 2006, 2008 and 2010 where he made ​​films that helped them out unprecedented success made ​​him the top of the ball African and even achieved the tenth position globally , or that he was looking for a play plan suitable to achieve the goal of which is to reach the championship are looking for , or that he was looking for a goalkeeper is injured and is fixed with him during the film and be able to master the role Or was looking for defense forces of the line is protected from raids rival , or was looking for two wings to fly them to the destination and give him a ride to the other fund or was looking for a play he can make his way to attackers Champions mother was looking for a striker sniper exploit opportunities not waste it and without Maker The resort to tricks weak simplistic that can worth it Anzara and without that is located in the infiltration or is located in front of goal to take a penalty kick from the rival , or is it looking for a professional player to play on his team, sitting reserves , or is it looking for a weak team to take advantage of his weakness and bring him victory in all encounters , or is it looking for hosting the championship without Ebola In the end the audience and viewers are the ones who have suffered from this research , which was inside the new movie and in spite of all this , we find that we did not get a definitive answer to why he was looking through the film , but understood that he was looking for a championship , but up to the championship Search scandal was the scandal that he , during his presentation the film there were three other films presented at the same time as they film the Tunisian ( Gabak Rayeh Guy ) and the film Senegalese ( Hunga there and Bonga here) and the film Botswana ( merciful to de I Glban ) and landed the film did not knows director he finished and failed , but we found looking for starring new new film bears the name of ( strange in a country distant ) and will be displayed in oblivion Festival and thinks he will be delighted by which the public , but it may be a judgment on this film that displays without an audience and the biggest punishment he deserves this director strange .
Author : Safwat Sami

إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

Point of view
We went back again with us and point of view
We want to display a view of his own
What he did is a scourge Lennon expected
Vafattna asleep and glow under the feet of humans
And ready in order to reveal the dirty face
Out like a flock of sheep and cow
Raised slogans intend to move the stone
To outwit the general public to speak Manual
Faihrkohm toward their goals motivated threaded like rain
And lit a fire smoked disappears from the face of the moon
And flowing because of Dmea and hurtling Kataiwvan pouring
In the hope that they would return the patient dying
Istqubloh and receive revenue from travel
As if what they do is to meet the fate of the rule
Do not know that in fact they have a greater risk
And who will not differentiate between female or male
And they will know of the believer and who Kafr

Poet: Safwat Sami
إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

Christ preached Ahmed
Issa said the peace of the Apostles him : I will tell you the words I could not that I'm saying to you by because you will not you can be Tthmloh , and told them that in order for this great mystery that holds and which came from him tortured now , and for this it is a persecutor and a target of the hand of Israel stray and sought to kill Him even finished him and his secret completely began to say to them : I have come in order to preach the gospel prophet would be a mercy from God to the worlds , and that this prophet would be the last of the prophets and apostles With it, God will seal all the messages so that the Almighty God to commemorate and out of respect for his message will be called this message Conclusion not on behalf of the nation itself , but on behalf of major Cismiha law, which took them all the prophets and apostles , a law of Islam , and this debt will be called the name of Islam It will be peace, justice and mercy for humanity all religion will be revealed to him a book gracious dear not done wrong in the hands of his successor download Aziz al-Hakim , this will be the book of the verses of the Great God , is a comprehensive and inclusive for all what Allah has revealed to His Messengers , and has all what God wanted and all what God wants of the people , and they said to him, Jesus and the name of the prophet and why Tharbak the children of Israel for this great human , which if achieved Sinje God many created from delusion and fire , thanks to the mission of this great prophet , he said to them : the children of Israel do not see to what God wants them and they look at what they want them for themselves , God wants the afterlife and they want the world to its fullest , The disciples said to him : Is not this the prophet will be the children of Israel as you are the children of Israel , as well as all the prophets , not this prophet is that God promised our father Abraham, and said to him : your seed will bless all the land , said Jesus : Who do you think in this prophet , whose son is , they will come from the sons of David , he said, and the son of David , said : Ibn Ishaq , Issa said to them : Do not deceive yourselves in the spirit of David himself calls the Lord says: ( The Lord said to my Lord ...... ) he calls him Lord , how is he his son , the right and the right to tell you that that God will bless him all the tribes of the earth , and who took the Covenant and the pond but it is Ishmael and not Isaac, Prophet Ismail will be born and will be born in Mecca , and migrate to the good , and will die and be buried by They said to him : Valhma reason Bani Israel Taadhik and trying to kill you , he said: Yes , they said to him : If ... told us about the Holy Prophet , he said to them that this prophet is the messenger ideal but better Mona is Ahmed people the Lord two years therefore will give God what did not give him a prophet before him would give him satisfaction to him and his nation and for them will descend God's angels to fight with him and his nation of God and give him a ring his prophecy will be between his shoulders as he will carry the burden of the debt on his shoulders and did not tire and will not be broken and will not die until it is religion that God favored the slaves this Holy Prophet is the spirit of prophecy that the Spirit of truth , which the world can not receive, because it will come from them and has a strange prophecy would disarm them foreverAnd they will say to him that we do not see you in our books and do not know you argument in our books make us Ntbek God did not ask us to Ntbek did not give you something that did not bode your one , so will be the sedition that will manufacture them in order to deceive its people , but you you will not go astray like them will say , as they said , because you know because I told you about , and will stay experience with you and your children will be in the Baptist , who is with you and this will be a prophet in your hearts and in the bless you and came Vashhdoa him the truth, which you have heard me now, it is a matter of you inevitably ye nation that before him, has lost the nation that before you, and refused the certificate does not Tktamoa you certification is also right and you know , They will say to him that you spirit void and that the revelation does not come to you from heaven but is from yourself , but it is the truth right and the spirit of right and Stalmon this because he would see me as you also testify that the Spirit of truth , which the world can not receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him , but you know Him because he Makt with you and will be in you

إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

Lady Kingdoms - Part I
The world has seen lots and lots of kingdoms that ruled the world since the first human presence on the ground, has told us God Almighty for some of these nations and kingdoms that perished was the remains of which only some of the effects that indicate it has put God Almighty legally divinely ordained to the survival of any nation on the face of existence, nation fair keep the nation's unjust go away , so we find that the demise of Nations and former kingdoms were injustice to its people and not to the administration of justice , Justice is the basis of the King nor the nations and peoples and kingdoms still rotates and, following even got to Ohqaha Kingdom Tgbert the name of freedom and wronged in the name of justice and overshadowed by the name of humanity , it's lady kingdoms undisputed they are like what is this world that if it raised Aouhlt and if I smashed But before going to talk about the lady of kingdoms unjust and overwhelmed and Tgbert and which are close to the yard , it must be mentioned some women Kingdoms former women who Gmn world even before we get to those that did not sit on the throne of kingdoms little time compared Bsabekayaa , they need to see with our own eyes what may solution to those controllers in the kingdoms of the earth and how it was Nhithen , that initially may be far away , but a close relative Snghos in the past and Snbesr and see now and in the future , Snrmy Bashbakna and wait a bit to see what will be collected by the keeper of the diaspora of years and times , and a large deep dive where the sea is like impossible but the goal is noble and worth the risk and suffering until we get to some of the content and see what its mysteries and secrets .
This is what will soon ask that God Almighty .
Thinker : Safwat Sami

إقرأ المزيد. bloggeradsenseo

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